The Martyrs Documentation Bureau in Deraa documented that 20 people were killed in March, including 14 civilians, children and fighters of former opposition groups, and six militants and members of the regime forces.
According to the office, 16 dead were killed in the operation and assassination attempt in the western countryside of Deraa, 12 in the eastern countryside of Deraa, and 30 deployed in two operations in the city of Deraa.
The office counted the arrests and abduction of 17 people, two of whom were released in the same month, and stated that the statistics do not include those arrested for the purpose of taking them to compulsory and reserve service in the regime forces.
In the report, it was stated that in addition to the Criminal Police Branch, three police departments were involved in the arrests. According to the arresting authority, the arrestees were distributed to nine detainees in the Criminal Police Branch, five in the Military Intelligence Branch, and one detainee in the Intelligence Branch. Another in the State Security Branch and Air Force Intelligence Branch.
The ministry also documented that a person from Deraa province, located in another province, was arrested by the regime’s security forces this month.
Assassinations and arrests continue in Daraa province amid the increasing security chaos since the settlement agreement signed between the Syrian regime and opposition groups in July 2018.
During March, 26 operations and assassination attempts were recorded in Dera province, 21 people were killed, 8 of whom were from the regime forces, 8 people were injured, and 5 people survived the assassination attempts.
The cities and towns of Daraa province have experienced a notable increase in security chaos, assassinations, arrests, explosions and kidnappings since the regime took control of the province in the summer of 2018.